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A SmartBoard for Irving Elementary

The TRTF's latest donation was to Terri's Elementary School Alma Mater, Irving School in Oak Park, Illinois. Mariel was able to attend the District 97 School Board meeting on September 11th to present the donation of a SmartBoard to the school's library where every student in the building is able to benefit from it.  A common thread with all of the donations thus far has been the connections between our fund and the recipients on several levels.  In Irving's case, the librarian, Katie Noonan, who will benefit most from the SmartBoard is the sister of Mariel's colleague at Golder College Prep.  Having these connections make each donation that much more meaningful. 


Pictured from left to right: Mr. Barber (President of the School Board), Mariel Race, Katie Noonan (Irving's librarian) and John Hodge (Irving's principal)

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